Wellspring Direct Primary Care

Black Mountain’s preferred choice for primary care.


Wellspring Direct Primary Care is part of a growing movement of healthcare reform that gives you unparalleled direct access to your provider through a membership-based payment model so you can take control of your health and save money on medical costs.

Benefits of Membership 

  • Comprehensive primary care

  • Medications at near wholesale pricing through our in-house pharmacy

  • Same-day or next-day visits for urgent needs

  • Urgent care services

  • Reduced pricing on labs and imaging

  • Personalized consults and discounted rates for private coaching led by our personal trainer

  • Contact your provider directly by phone, email, or text through our secure app Spruce Health

  • No co-pays or hidden costs

  • Informed access to specialists

 We treat patients of all ages.

Membership fees are charged per person monthly:

Families enrolling three or four members on the same account receive a 15% discount with two qualified adults.

Families enrolling five or more members on the same account receive a 20% discount with two qualified adults.

$60 monthly rate requires additional enrollment of parent or guardian on the same account.


Why We Started Wellspring 

After 20 years of medical practice, Dr. Wes Hite was disheartened by the brokenness of the healthcare system. He longed for the way medicine used to be: personalized care from your doctor who knows you well and who is easily accessible. 

He saw the frustration and helplessness many people experience in the medical system:
  • Not being told how much the doctor’s visit will cost, and getting surprised by medical bills later.

  • Worrying about being able to afford the next accident or illness.

  • Unable to see the doctor when they need to (and long wait times once you finally get in).

  • Receiving inappropriate care due to lack of continuity.

  • Postponing care of a serious medical condition due to fear of high costs.

At Wellspring, we believe in doing what’s best for you, the patient -- your health insurance company shouldn’t determine when and how you receive care. 

We care about your wellness. It’s why we went into medicine, and it’s why we started Wellspring.


Take the Next Step 

Healthcare | Black Mountain NC

Meet our Team

Contact us today to learn why Wellspring is the best option for you.

Healthcare | Black Mountain NC

Become a Member

Join the community at Wellspring, access your provider directly, and start taking advantage of the many member benefits.

Healthcare | Black Mountain NC

Take Control of Your Healthcare

Partner with our team to cultivate a healthy lifestyle, and get immediate care when you’re ill.

 What Our Patients Say